The dissemination and transfer indicators provided by the end of step 4 are: 5 articles, 1 patent application
The up-to-date status of publications and patent applications is as follows:
- 11 ISI articles (4 in journals, 5 in conferences, 2 accepted in conferences)
- 16 published and 1 accepted CNCSIS B + / BDI articles (B + journal)
- 1 patent application
Title. Authors. Conf/Journal | Status |
Mixing Cooperative And Competitive Approaches As A Way To Achieve Academic Performance Denis BELÎI, Andrei UNGUREANU, Sanda ȘERBAN, Giorgiana VLĂSCEANU, Costin-Anton BOIANGIU The Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, Vol.15 No.1 – 2021, ISSN: 1843-4711, pp. 23-41146 |
published |
Multiple Experts Image Segmentation For Object Detection, Bogdan-Cristian TALOI, Alin-Gabriel DUMITRU, Patricia-Steliana PENARIU, Costin-Anton BOIANGIU The Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, Vol.15 No.1 – 2021, ISSN: 1843-4711, pp. 160-171146 |
published |
Comparative Analysis Between Mainstream Software Development Methodologies Dinu Andrei Adrian, Duican Mihaela Aura, Raducu Roberto Catalin, BOIANGIU Costin Anton, The International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education. Vol. 2. ” Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest, 2021. [WOS: NotIndexedYet] |
published |
Are Company Software Management Practices Suited For Voluntary Student Organizations? Ionescu Ioana, Boboc Madalina, BOIANGIU Costin Anton, The International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education. Vol. 2. ” Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest, 2021. [WOS: NotIndexedYet] |
published |
Replicating Impulse-Based Physics Engine Using Classic Neural Networks Rareș-Cristian Ifrim, Patricia Penariu, Costin-Anton Boiangiu The Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, Vol.15 No.2 – 2021, ISSN: 1843-4711 |
published |
On How To Combine Image Segmentation Algorithms Using Entropy Maria Anca Băluțoiu, Dragoș Sturzu, Costin-Anton Boiangiu, Mihai-Lucian Voncilă, Nicolae Tarbă, Giorgiana Violeta Vlăsceanu 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), Iași, Romania, 2021 |
published |
Improving Upon Photographic Steganography Andrei Lăpușteanu, Costin-Anton Boiangiu, Nicolae Tarbă, Mihai-Lucian Voncilă, Constantin Eduard Staniloiu, Giorgiana Vlăsceanu 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), Iași, Romania, 2021 |
published |